Parent's of Juniors: What's Next?
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Junior Year Timeline
Junior year is a time of great importance in your high school journey. As you begin to ponder, "What will my path look like?", you should begin to develop a plan to help organize your thoughts, wants and needs. Things to begin to consider?
What would I like to do after High School?
What would it take to make this happen?
Am I undecided, do I have more than one idea or interest that I would like to pursue?
What am I good at, my strengths? What are my weaknesses, things that I don't enjoy?
Can I make a living doing this? How will I generate income?
Are you considering continuing your education/training?
Do you want to attend a traditional 4 year college?
Do you want to live on campus?​
​In-State? Out of State? How far away are you willing to go?​​
Do you know what you want to major in or do you know you just want to go to college?
Are there other factors at play? Sports, Talents, Programs?
Do you want to attend a non traditional college?
2 years Associates degree/Certificate program?​
Technical School training? Trade School?
Community college?
Are you interested in a vocational/trade?
Are you interested in the Military?
What branch?​
Will you use the Military to help you pay for college?